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Blackest Spells



Dark wizardry. Witchcraft. Curses. Hexes. Evil Sorcerers. Fantasy has a long history of people wielding the forces of darkness for nefarious ends. Blackest Spells is a collection of eighteen short stories and novelettes detailing stories of shadowy figures wielding unholy power. The sequel to the Blackest Knights anthology contains stories ranging from the machinations of the fae to wishes gone wrong to wicked plots in space.​


Featuring Michael Pogach's story "The Witch Queen," a look at the dark heart of Sleeping Beauty, and other fairy tales. This princess knows she's no man's damsel in distress, but what even she's not prepared to find out who she truly is.

The C.A.M. Charity Anthology:
Horror & Science Fiction #1



​The CAM Charity Anthologies are made up of donated horror and sci-fi short stories. 100% of the profits from these collections will go to charity in honor of the publisher's mother. The profits of these collections will be divided equally, each year, between:  Smiles Train, St. Jude, and Pet Smart charities.


Featuring Michael Pogach's story "They Thought the Brain Would be the Hardest Part."

Building Dora was the easy part. Controlling her was far more difficult than they imagined. But loving her could be the beginning of the revolution that brings it all down.

Workers Write:
Tales from the Combat Zone Anthology



Tales from the Combat Zone is the eighth issue of the literary journal Workers Write! and includes stories and poems from the soldier's point of view.


Featuring Michael Pogach's story "Stay."

Defining good and evil is easy from the comfort of historical perspective. But when you're neck deep in the horrors of a Nazi death camp, the line between human and inhuman becomes blurred. One soldier, faced with an impossible decision, grips his rifle and hopes today he'll have the strength he lacked yesterday. 

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